

Thi ew featue-legth biogaphical film tell the extaodiay ad damatic toy of the plaet' mot famou livig cietit, told fo the fit time i hi ow wod ad by thoe cloet to him. Made with uique acce to hi pivate life, thi i a itimate ad movig jouey ito Stephe Hawkig' pat ad peet. Iteviewee iclude Stephe Hawkig' ite May, hi ex-wife Jae, cae ad tudet, a well a colleague uch a Roge Peoe, plu Apollo atoaut Buzz Aldi, acto Beedict Cumbebatch ad Jim Caey, ad Si Richad Bao Thi ipiatioal potait of a icoic figue elate Hawkig' icedible peoal jouey fom boyhood udeachieve to cietific geiu ad multi-millio-ellig autho. Ad it chat how he ovecame beig diagoed with moto euoe dieae - ad beig give jut two yea to live - to make amazig cietific dicoveie ad become a ymbol of tiumph ove adveity. Bo exactly 300 yea afte the death of Galileo, Hawkig gew up i a family ome egaded a eccetic. Alway akig quetio, he wa ickamed 'Eitei' at chool. Hawkig bloomed at Oxfod, although he oly pet a hou a day tudyig. He oticed that he wa becomig clumy ad fell ove fo o appaet eao. He wa diagoed with moto euoe dieae, but evethele tated a family ad embaked o hi academic caee, fidig himelf at the heat of a eaig cietific debate about the oigi of the uivee. Ad a he lot the ue of hi body, Hawkig had to fid ew way to thik. He wet o to wite the huge betelle A Bief Hitoy of Time, ad the film eveal the high ad low of hi eultig fame ad fotue.电影客提醒本站提供的《霍金传》在线观看地址以及霍金传下载地址来源于互联网。本站并不参与录制和制作,仅提供资源引用和分享。请记住我们的网站www.dyke8.com,觉得不错的话就分享到你的朋友圈吧!










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